25 January 2007

Everywhere and nowhere

Moscow-Brussels-London-Brussels-Leiden-grand tour through Holland-Brussels-grand tour through Holland part II-Brussels-London-Coventry-Brussels-Moscow. All this within the space of a good month, hence the title of this post. Don't get me wrong, I've been having a great time. It's just that sometimes I stop and ask myself: what am I doing? As great as it is to catch up with 'old' friends, there's always the goodbye and not knowing when you will see the next.

But anyway, before the reader starts to think I am feeling sorry for myself I should turn to the fun part of all this travelling. Went to Holland on Friday the 12th and spent the weekend in Leiden, meeting up with friends from uni. Was great to meet up with them all and hear how they were all doing. Spent Monday and Tuesday in Amsterdam and then met up with Jeroen (my boss) on Wednesday. We went to various meetings with clients, governmental institutions and met people of companies with which Lighthouse is working on certain projects. It was very interesting and useful to see how these meetings go. Jeroen did most of the talking, but he left me plenty of space to give input which was great. Went back to Belgium for the weekend and was on the road again from Monday till Wednesday.

Am having a bit of trouble juggling different balls in the air at the moment: work, getting ready for Graduation, sorting out my visa for Russia, etc. I haven't had the time to get really excited about Graduation, but I am sure it is going to be great! Then after that back to Russia, where the winter seems to have finally set in with temperatures between -5 and -12 and snow!


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